Technical cooperation at DAkkS International cooperation

A functioning and internationally recognised accreditation system supports the reduction of technical barriers to trade and promotes free trade. DAkkS is involved in EU-funded Twinning projects and also in selected bilateral technical cooperation projects. The focus of the cooperation projects is on the transfer of knowledge and expertise, and on the expansion of technical competence in the area of accreditation.

Completed DAkkS Twinning projects

Twinning project to strengthen Namibian Standards Institution (NSI)

DAkkS is a junior partner in the German-Swedish consortium that was awarded the contract for project implementation in January 2022.


The Twinning project aims to strengthen the capacity of the Namibian Standards Institute (NSI) in fulfilling its mandate of aligning national standards with European and international standards.


The project activities are divided into two components:

  • Component 1: Institutional capacity to deal with Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) strengthened
  • Component 2: Enhancing Quality & Standards (Q&S)


February 2022 – January 2024


The overall objective of the project is to improve Namibia's participation in international trade agreements and to promote trade and economic growth in the country. In addition, the Ministry of Industrialization and Trade (MIT) will build the necessary capacity and become the national coordinating body for the implementation of all trade agreements.

Twinning project to strengthen the national accreditation body in Armenia

DAkkS is the lead partner in the German-Italian consortium, which was awarded the contract for implementation of this project in March 2021.


Supporting the national accreditation body of Armenia (ARMNAB) in fulfilling the conditions for associate membership in the European Co-operation for accreditation (EA).


The project activities are divided into two components:

  • Component 1: The legal and procedural framework revised with respect to ISO/IEC 17011 and the relevant provisions of EU regulation 765/2008/EC

  • Component 2: Enhanced institutional capacity of ARMNAB to provide accreditation in line with the EA rules


June 2021 – April 2023


The Twinning project supports the implementation of the Comprehensive & Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between the EU and Armenia with regard to fostering an internationally recognized accreditation and conformity assessment system in Armenia.

Twinning project to strengthen the national accreditation body in Georgia

DAkkS is the lead partner in the German-Italian consortium awarded the contract for implementation of this project in July 2019.


The goal of this Twinning project is to further develop the Georgian accreditation and conformity assessment system on the basis of European and international requirements, with the focus on the adoption and implementation of the EU acquis.


The project activities are divided into three components:

  • Component 1: Support for harmonisation with the EU acquis
  • Component 2: Training of staff and assessors at the Georgian Accreditation Center GAC
  • Component 3: International networks and communication


Dezember 2019 – März 2023


This Twinning project supports the incremental implementation of the trade provisions of the Association Agreement for the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), which the European Union has agreed with three countries in the Eastern Partnership initiative, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. This will potentially give Georgia access to the European internal market in the future, which will promote sustainable development of the Georgian economy and improvement of the quality of products and services in Georgia.

Twinning project to strengthen the national accreditation body in Azerbaijan

DAkkS is the lead partner in a German-Italian-Latvian consortium with its counterpart accreditation bodies ACCREDIA and LATAK.


The focus of the Twinning project in Azerbaijan is on the modernisation and reorientation of the national accreditation body AZAK on the basis of the requirements of the international and European accreditation organisations IAF, ILAC and EA. This includes numerous activities in the areas of legal advice, the training of staff and assessors and the establishment of a quality management system in accordance with ISO/IEC 17011.


Implementation over the course of 28 months of more than 60 individual measures within the framework of 4 technical components:

  • Component 1: Modernisation of primary and secondary law in the area of accreditation
  • Component 2: Development of the expertise of the assessors at the Azerbaijani accreditation body AZAK
  • Component 3: Improvement of the internal processes in place at the accreditation body in accordance with ISO/IEC 17011
  • Component 4: Improvement of external communication and support for the establishment of an international network


June 2017 – October 2019


Strengthening of the Azerbaijani economy in the long term and improvement of the global competitiveness of companies in Azerbaijan through a functioning accreditation system that meets European and international requirements.

Development of the quality infrastructure and preparation for an agreement between Jordan and the EU on the mutual recognition of conformity assessment


This project was implemented by Germany together with Austria and Sweden in support of preparations for an agreement between Jordan and the EU on the mutual recognition of conformity assessment. The goal of signature of the agreement is to promote the competitiveness of Jordanian companies and their access to the EU internal market, as well as sustainable economic development in Jordan. The specific project activities for the implementation of the prioritised EU directives for electrical appliances, toys and gas appliances focused on the areas of market surveillance, conformity assessment and accreditation.


January 2015 – February 2017

Local project partners

JSMO – Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization

Strengthening of the Egyptian accreditation body EGAC


DAkkS participated as a consortium partner in this Twinning project led by BAM, the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. The focus was on improving the efficiency of the Egyptian quality infrastructure within the framework of the national reform priorities and in line with EU and international best practices. Another aim of the project was to accelerate the adoption and proper implementation of a conformity assessment system, particularly in four priority areas (electrical products, pressure equipment, gas appliances and toys), thereby advancing the negotiations concerning signature of an Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance (ACAA).


June 2017 – October 2019

Local project partners

EGAC – The national accreditation body of Egypt

Strengthening of the Georgian accreditation system in line with best practices of the Member States of the European Union


The overall objective of this Twinning project was to further develop the trade-related national quality infrastructure in Georgia. An important step in this process was the institutional strengthening of the national accreditation system. The project supported GAC, the Georgian Accreditation Center, in the introduction of internationally recognised standards and in obtaining European and international recognition by EA (European co-operation for Accreditation) and ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Committee). This was a BAM-led Twinning project with DAkkS providing support as a consortium partner.


January 2012 – January 2014

Local project partners

  • Georgian Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development
  • Georgian Accreditation Center (GAC)

Further development of the national accreditation agency of Ukraine in accordance with best practices of the member states of the European Union


The overall objective of this project was to support the harmonisation of the Ukrainian quality infrastructure – in particular the accreditation system – with international and EU standards relating to safer products and services in Ukraine. The main focus was on the further development of accreditation services for testing and calibration laboratories and for management systems of certification and inspection bodies on the part of the Ukrainian accreditation authority NAAU. DAkkS participated as a consortium partner in this Twinning project led by BAM, the German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing.


October 2011 – October 2013

Local project partners

National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU)

Your contact

Photo Jana Klink

Jana Klink

Head of Service Unit Technical Cooperation | International Partnerships

T: +49 (0)30 670591-400

Photo Melissa Ferrara

Melissa Ferrara

Technical Cooperation |
International Partnerships Officer

More information

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