Gabriel Zrenner, Head of Department at the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) and Member of the Executive Board of the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA)
Gabriel Zrenner elected to the Executive Board of EA
Gabriel Zrenner, Head of Department at the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS), has been elected to the Executive Board of the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA). His term of office started on 1 January 2025.
Gabriel Zrenner has been involved with EA for many years. He headed the Horizontal Harmonization Committee (HHC) for seven years, where his responsibilities included the harmonised implementation of Regulation (EC) No 765/2008. His new position as a member of the Executive Board follows directly on from his many years of leadership in the HHC. Zrenner joined the six-member EA Executive Board on 1 January 2025 and is excited for his new tasks. “It is a special honour and commitment for me to be able to continue to shape the European accreditation system,” says the DAkkS Head of Department. In his new role, Zrenner has been elected until the end of 2026.
At DAkkS, the aerospace engineer heads Department 1, one of four departments responsible for the technical implementation of the accreditation procedures. The department focuses primarily on the accreditation of testing and calibration laboratories, as well as inspection and certification bodies. The technical units of the department handle accreditation procedures in the fields of metrology, construction, transport, energy, and IT/cybersecurity.
Further information
EA is the umbrella organisation of the national accreditation bodies in Europe and currently has 48 members. With Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008, which is fundamental to the accreditation world, the European Commission has assigned important tasks to EA. These include in particular the harmonisation and further development of the accreditation system in Europe, as well as ensuring the quality, transparency, and independence of the system.
EA sets standards for the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies in various fields, actively participates in the development of international standards and cooperates with other accreditation organisations worldwide. It is a member of international organisations such as International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and International Accreditation Forum (IAF).