Occupational Safety | Social Services and Education Information about this sector

Role of accreditation in this sector

The areas of education and qualification constitute an important pillar of this sector. In the area of employment promotion, for example, the so-called “expert bodies” require accreditation as proof of their competence. These certification bodies are responsible for the approval of employment promotion providers and measures on the basis of the Third Book of the Social Code (SGB III) and AZAV, the accreditation and licensing ordinance for employment promotion. These steps are a prerequisite for being allowed to offer further education programmes funded by the German Federal Employment Agency or job centres.

When it comes to protection in an occupational context, the area of occupational safety has an important place. Accreditation-based certification of occupational health and safety management systems in accordance with ISO 45001 or SHE management systems play a significant role here. Personal protective equipment also improves safety and health and is tested and certified by accredited organisations.

In the area of certification of persons, accreditation promotes the quality of the competence taught to staff and technical experts. Certification bodies in this area qualify and test people from numerous specialist areas, such as public health or auditors.

Our technical units in the Occupational Safety | Social Services and Education sector

Certification of Persons and Management systems (cross-sector)

The Certification of Persons and Management Systems (Cross-Sector) technical unit manages the accreditation of certification bodies for management systems in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17021-1 for various management system certification standards and for persons in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024.

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Social and Educational System | AZAV (Employment Promotion) | Occupational Safety | PSE | Due Diligence

This technical unit handles cases of accreditation in the areas of education, occupational safety, personal protective equipment and due diligence in supply chains. DIN EN ISO/IEC 17021-1 and for persons in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024, (DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025) as well as certification bodies for products (DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065).

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Application examples of accredited services in this field of activity

  • Measures for activation and vocational integration pursuant to Section 45 (1), first sentence, numbers 1 to 5 SGB III
  • Exclusively performance-related paid job placement in employment subject to insurance pursuant to Section 45 (4), third sentence, number 2 SGB III
  • Measures for choice of employment and vocational training pursuant to the third section of the third chapter of SGB III
  • Measures for continuing vocational education and training pursuant to the fourth section of the third chapter of SGB III
  • Transfer payments pursuant to Sections 110 and 111 SGB III
  • Measures for the participation of disabled people in working life pursuant to the seventh section of the third chapter of SGB III
  • Learning services for non-formal education and training in accordance with DIN ISO 29990:2010
  • Certification of management systems in accordance with ISO 45001, BS OHSAS 18001, SCC/SCP and MAAS-BGW
  • Certification of personnel in the area of safety, health and environmental protection (SHE)
  • Testing and certification of personal protective equipment

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