• DAkkS
  • Accreditation concrete
  • Accreditation symbol

Meaning and use of the accreditation symbol

The accreditation symbol constitutes objective evidence of competent conformity assessment. It serves as proof of quality and safety after successful accreditation within the relevant scope.

Use of the accreditation symbol

The exact use of the DAkkS accreditation symbol is defined by the Regulation on the Accreditation Symbol (SymbolVO) and by DAkkS rules and regulations.

Combined MRA logo

Within the framework of Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs),DAkkS works together with the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) to offer the use of “combined logos”.

Combined MRA logo (ILAC)

The basis for this is the signing by DAkkS of the “ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA)”. This multilateral agreement regulates the mutual recognition of results from accredited laboratories and inspection bodies in all ILAC member states. These bodies are entitled to use the ILAC combined MRA logo on results reports within their scope of accreditation.

Compliance and use of the combined logo

The logos are made up of the ILAC MRA logo or the IAF MLA logo, the DAkkS accreditation symbol

and the registration number of the accredited body in question.

Permission to use the logos is free of charge and granted in each case by means of a specified sub-licence agreement, which can be requested informally from the relevant DAkkS account manager.

After signing the sub-licence agreement, DAkkS customers receive written permission to use the combined logo, along with image files adapted to include the registration number.


Please note: For product certificates, use of the combined IAF and DAkkS MLA logo is only possible to a limited extent.

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