• DAkkS
  • Accreditation concrete
  • Accreditation outside Germany

International accreditation for conformity assessment bodies located outside Germany

DAkkS is the biggest accreditation body in the European Union, enjoys mutual recognition with the international accreditation organisations ILAC and IAF and covers a very broad range of all relevant industrial technical areas and technologies. Here you can learn more about the possibilities for your accreditation as a conformity assessment body based outside Germany.

Why accreditation by DAkkS?

With a DAkkS accreditation, you gain access to the Made in Germany quality infrastructure, allowing you to hold your own in the competitive world of conformity assessment and facilitate access to all major world markets for your customers. Given our excellent reputation around the world, obtaining a DAkkS accreditation is good evidence of excellent performance and quality.

When is accreditation by DAkkS possible for bodies based outside Germany?

As the national accreditation body, DAkkS is focused primarily on the requirements of companies and institutions within the Federal Republic of Germany, performing statutory activities for bodies with their registered office in Germany within the framework of the German Act on the Accredita-tion Body (AkkStelleG) and of European Regulation (EC) No 765/2008.

Under certain conditions, however, DAkkS can also consider applications for accreditation from organisations with their registered office outside the territorial scope of EU Regulation 765/2008 (third countries). If the main office of your conformity assessment body is not in Germany, and is also not in one of the member states of the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA), DAkkS can therefore offer you accreditation within the scope of its schemes and capacities.

In other countries within the territorial scope of EU Regulation 765/2008, DAkkS acts a statutory body only in exceptional cases. The prerequisite for this is that the exceptions set out in Regulation (EC) 765/2008 and document EA 2/13 of the European accreditation organisation EA apply.


What does an accreditation cost?

All services provided by DAkkS are charged on the basis of a list of fees. For an individual cost estimate, the following information is required:

  • Number of employees working in the area to be accredited, including external employees (e.g. samplers, inspectors, auditors), regardless of whether they have a part-time or full-time position
  • Number of locations of your conformity assessment body
  • Description of the conformity assessment procedures you wish to have accredited (Scope of Accreditation).

How is the application made?

DAkkS forms are available for the efficient completion of the application process. The application for accreditation must include at least the following documents:

  1. We require proof of the legal form of the applicant company.
  2. We require the completed application form for accreditation. Please note that the signatures on the application must be consistent with the authorised representatives from the proof of legal form.
  3. A range of specific templates are available for specifying the scope of accreditation, depending on the area of activity.

You can find an overview in the document “List of templates for the application for the scope of accreditation (72 FB 006_e)”. The instructions for completing the application form (72 SD 004_e) provide detailed information and important assistance with this process.

Information sheet on the accreditation procedure

Document ID: M-17011_Anhang-1_e | Release date: 23.07.2023
502.73kB | PDF

Instructions to fill out the DAkkS application form

Document ID: FO-Antrag_NHB_Instruction_EN | Release date: 23.02.2023
609.86kB | PDF

Application for accreditation (for applicants from outside the European Economic Area (EEA))

Document ID: FO-Antrag_NHB_nichthoheitlich_EN | Release date: 23.02.2023
72.90kB | DOCX

Directory of Annexes for application for accreditation to apply for the scope of accreditation by subject areas

all specialist units of the DAkkS

Document ID: LI-Antrag GB_EN | Release date: 05.05.2021
105.65kB | PDF

What are the next steps in the procedure for accreditation?

After the application has been reviewed, you will receive an offer of contract. Once the contract has been signed by you and by DAkkS, planning of the accreditation procedure begins and an ad-vance payment for expenses is requested. After receipt of payment, the appointments will be ar-ranged. You can find a detailed description of the technical process of accreditation here:

Link to start accreditation

Your contact

Are you interested in an accreditation by DAkkS or would you like to find out more about accreditation. Then please send your enquiry to International Affairs at DAkkS.

Hannah Schultheiß

Head of Service Unit

International Contact

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