Ongoing training for DAkkS assessors Advanced training for assessors
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Ongoing training for DAkkS assessors
Technical experts and assessors at DAkkS are obliged to continue their training on an ongoing basis. Participation in further training ensures that all appointed assessors and technical experts have up-to-date expertise in the area to which they are appointed.
All DAkkS assessors are required to attend the annual ongoing training events covering the accreditation standards (“level 3”) relevant to their scope of appointment. The training courses at level 3 are supplemented by at least one exchange of experience in a technical unit relevant to the scope of the appointment. This is a prerequisite for maintaining the appointment.
Over the course of their training, including the exchange of experience, participants gain a deeper understanding of standards at level 3 and take part in discussions covering topics including the latest developments in their accreditation area, assessment techniques and technical rules of accreditation. The goal of participation in the ongoing training courses is to ensure a consistent approach to assessments.